Food for Fat Burning Fuel

Food for Fat Burning Fuel

As you’re out enjoying the beauty of summer, you’re sure to see people walking around in shorts and tank tops or at the pool during the swimsuit season. Summertime reveals how you take care of your body during the rest of the year. The image of being healthy is shaped by our appearance in society; however, the true reality of a healthy body is better determined by what is happening on the inside.

Assess your health by asking yourself these questions:

  • Does your body burn fuel effectively?
  • Are you experiencing weight gain or loss without exercise?
  • Are you experiencing cravings, headaches, mood swings, or drowsiness at certain times of the day?
  • Are you experiencing stress or hormonal changes?
  • Are you an emotional eater, a social eater or a grazer?

The truth of the matter is our bodies cannot spot reduce fat. There are certain genetic, bio-mechanical and environmental factors that play a part in how our bodies burn fuel. Exercise and proper nutrition can positively effect these factors.

“Great abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym”

This is an old bodybuilding adage that rings true in that how you fuel your body influences how that fuel is burned. The food that you bring into your home will be the food that goes into your mouth. Your food choices at the grocery store will either help or hinder your progress in the gym.

As a personal trainer, it’s common to have others ask how to get toned, ripped abs. There is no secret exercise or supplement that will get your desired results. It takes hard work, discipline and consistency in these two areas: clean eating and exercising.

What does it mean to “eat clean”?

If you want to “eat clean,” focus on creating nutrient rich meals by preparing your own food and using fresh, whole food ingredients. Most people find it helpful to create a grocery shopping list once they’ve made a weekly meal plan. Planning and preparing your meals and snacks in advance will help you avoid making excuses or poor choices when you’re really hungry. Consider “eating in 3’s” by including protein, fat, and carbohydrates each time you eat, and eat about every four to five hours.

As a nutrition coach, it is my passion to see lifestyle habits improve your quality of life, help you meet your fitness goals and bring balance to your life. The hardest part of helping someone through change is to simply lead by example. If your schedule is busy, it can be a difficult transition to plan and prepare ahead. As a wife and mother, I can empathize! There is so much life experience that comes through facing the same difficulties that helps as I look to support others to reach their potential.

Here are five daily tips for shaping your approach to using food for fat burning fuel:

  1. Eat clean: Create a weekly meal plan, plan your grocery shopping list, and prepare your food in advance.
  2. Eat regularly: Try and eat every 4 to 5 hours to keep yourself from making poor decisions when you get hungry.
  3. Eat more lean protein and vegetables: When eating out, choose to fill your plate with food that will help you feel satiated.
  4. Exercise daily: Most people need at least one hour of activity 3 to 5 times a week. This factor varies and can change according to your fitness goals, intensity levels, stress, hormonal changes, and weight loss/gain.
  5. Drink Water: On an average day, try and drink half your body weight in fluid ounces of water. On days when you workout, increase this by 10 to 24 ounces.

If you’re aware of what you are purchasing at the grocery store, then you’ll know what is in your fridge, which empowers you to use self-control to determine what you will eat. There is freedom in understanding your options; bringing life and flavor to your daily habits is something that you do not have to do alone. If you have questions or fitness goals that can benefit from fine-tuning through nutrition coaching, please try these tips and contact us at Front Door Fitness. I’d be honored to work with you. Cheers to you on your journey!

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