Setting SMART Fitness Goals

Want to get in shape? Not sure where to start? Sometimes we set a goal for ourselves, such as lose 15 pounds or run a 5k, but we aren’t sure how to make a plan. 

It’s time to think SMART. Setting SMART goals can bring success.  We just need to follow these guidelines:


Be specific. Your goal should be clear and easy to understand. A common goal, such as “I want to get healthy,” is too general for the mind to grasp. There are so many ways to get healthy. How do we want to do it? Lose weight? Start an exercise program? Stop smoking? Break it down so it’s manageable.


A goal to “lose weight” is not enough. How will you track your progress and know you’ve reached the goal? Making our goal measurable essentially means adding a number.


Before you can add a number, you need to know how high or low you want to go. It’s good to aim high, but don’t be too extreme. Likewise, a goal that is too easy is also not very motivating. Only you know the limits. Let’s examine the goal, “I want to lose weight”. What percentage is attainable? Research suggests that a 5-10% weight loss is attainable for most overweight people. A measurable, attainable goal would be, “I will lose 7% of my body weight.” 


Set goals that are important to where you are in life right now. Avoid setting goals pressured by others. Examine your goal. Does it seem relevant? If so, let’s keep going. If you realize now is not a good time to focus on weight loss, choose something that is motivating. 


Include an endpoint. Knowing there’s a deadline motivates us to get started. Since healthy weight loss is about 1-2 pounds per week, set the deadline accordingly. For our example, “I will lose 7% of my body weight in 3 months.”

Need accountability in your fitness journey? Let Front Door Fitness introduce you to a personal trainer that can help you on your fitness track. Here’s to setting healthy and SMART goals!