Make Exercise Work for You

Written by Stephanie Ball – Front Door Fitness Personal Trainer

There are many different types, styles, and methods of working out these days. In addition, there are an overwhelming amount of virtual fitness options now that gyms are shut down. How do you determine what’s the best for you? What will get you results? Here are a few tips to prepare your mind and body for summer.

Develop a healthy rhythm.

First of all, consider how much time you are willing to devote to being active. Make sure it is a sustainable amount of time per session and number of times per week for the long haul. If you plan to spend 2 hours after work in the gym, you will burn out quickly. You can reap benefits for your body and mind with just 20 minutes. Allow a day or two per week to recover. This will help to improve your performance and progress. Some days, you may have more time than others. That’s okay. The important part is to find some healthy ways to move your body that feels good to YOU.

Listen to your body.

That brings me to my next point; do what feels good at that time and day. Listen to your body. If you are sore or really tired, maybe a walk is better than a HIIT workout. If it’s a nice day, and your home with kids, maybe a family bike ride is more tangible than an hour alone of strength. It also depends on what type of equipment you have or don’t have. Don’t feel guilty for not pushing hard with every workout. Working out should make you feel good, challenged, but not burned out. It’s okay to push yourself to a healthy boundary. You may not always feel like working out at first, but after completion, you will feel a whole lot better!

Keep it interesting.

Variety is important. If you keep doing the same thing, you will get bored and likely wind up with muscle imbalances. Strive for a variety of strength and cardio mixed in with core. They all compliment one another as the body works together as a whole. If all you do is run, your body will be missing out on some beneficial exercise for optimal functioning. Plus, the body adapts to what it does often. The more you switch things up, the more it will keep your body guessing and as a result, boost metabolism and effectiveness.

Make your workout personal. Just because your neighbor enjoys HIIT, or your spouse benefits from heavy lifting, doesn’t mean that’s right for you. Take into consideration your body structure, goals, time, interests, and ability when you exercise. You are unique and your exercise plan should be as well. Whatever you do, enjoy moving. Our bodies were made to move. Don’t be afraid of a challenge, but know your limits.