Invest in Your Future, Hire a Personal Trainer

Invest in Your Future, Hire a Personal Trainer

You have probably heard about the benefits we gain through regular exercise. Countless studies have shown that 5 to 6 hours a week of exercise can have tremendous effects on our weight, heart health, joint health, and overall sense of well-being. When we combine exercise with a consistently healthy diet, those benefits are compounded.

Why don’t we eat healthy and exercise?

Some say their schedules are too busy. Others say they don’t know where to start. Regardless of your reason, if we are honest with ourselves, we will have to confess that exercising and eating healthy on a consistent basis is downright uncomfortable. We, as the human species, will naturally go out of our way to avoid discomfort and, in a lot of situations, that is the wise thing to do. However, exercising regularly and eating with intention do not fall in the category of things to avoid.

Challenge your body.

Our bodies are magnificent organisms that have a tremendous ability to adapt to whatever stressors are forced upon it. Its innate goal is to become more proficient and efficient at the daily tasks it engages in. This is why regular cardio exercise will make the heart more efficient at delivering blood throughout the body. It is why lifting weights make the skeletal muscles stronger. The first time you do an exercise, it may feel hard. However, the next time you perform that same exercise, it will feel a little easier. It is because the body will adapt to that “challenge” so it can accomplish that task in the future with greater ease.

Don’t fall into the trap of a sedentary lifestyle.

With that, though, the body will also adapt to a sedentary life. If we spend the majority of our days sitting, the core muscles will begin to atrophy due to a lack of use. The upper spine will take on an exaggerated curve as a result of being in that position for most of the day. The arches of our feet will begin to flatten from lack of use. These are just a few of the unwanted adaptations that we will experience if we don’t take action.

Should you hire a personal trainer in KC?

Most of us would agree we need to be more proactive at engaging in a regular exercise and dietary routine. Let me encourage you to not wait any longer. If you need that “jump start” or a “road map,” hire a personal trainer. I know, it can be expensive, but you must ask yourself, “are you worth it?” So many of my clients work their tails off through the prime of their lives to provide for their families. They invest rigorously with the aim of maintaining that life well into retirement. However, all that means very little if they aren’t here to enjoy it. Consider the debilitating back pain that makes travel unthinkable or the arthritis that makes it hard to get out of bed. Don’t wait for that. If you live in the KC area, consider hiring a personal trainer from the Front Door Fitness team.

Start now. Take advantage of your body’s amazing ability to adapt and get to work on your health. It will be hard and there will be discomfort, but I can assure you that it will be worth it!