Best Diet for Weight Loss

Best Diet for Weight Loss

Many diets claim to provide the most effective means to an end: weight loss. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association compared several popular diets (Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers, South Beach, NutriSystem, Jenny Craig and more) to settle the score once and for all and discover which was the best diet for weight loss. The findings were fascinating.
comparing popular dietscomparing diets for weight loss

Study participants were placed on a diet for 12 months. At the end of that year, they found that all of the diets performed very similarly – almost exactly the same, in fact! All of the participants lost about the same amount of weight – 16 pounds. I hope that finding doesn’t discourage your because that’s actually good news! We can look at all of these diets and glean two very valuable lessons about what makes for an effective eating plan and lifestyle change.

Lesson 1: Stick with it!

These people kept at it for an entire year. For lasting results, you must make a long-term, lifestyle change.

Lesson 2: Don’t over eat.

To lose weight, you must eat less than you are expending. This doesn’t have to happen every single day, but over the course of a week/month/year you will need to have a negative energy balance.


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